Trash Disposal
⦁ Please be sure all trash is in a tied bag and placed in a trash barrel in the driveway. Loose trash will not be accepted.
⦁ Please be sure NOT to have liquids, drinks, or anything leaking in the trash. This has been creating a huge mess.
⦁ Please bring trash barrels to the front curb for pickup Tuesday night. Please put out as much as possible.
⦁ Trash barrels MUST have a lid on them at all times to prevent animals getting into them, and for trash pickup. If they are overfull the trash truck will not pick them up.
⦁ You may put out 2 barrels per unit with trash, and the recycle barrel. Any trash not in a barrel with a lid needs to be put into the BLUE bag we provide for you. You may call and request more blue bags if needed. Only use the blue bag when the trash barrels are full.